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AI and Digital Comfort

AI and Digital Comfort? What do you mean?

“Our vision at The Digital Comfort Factory is to design 360° solutions that harness AI technologies to enhance the digital comfort of businesses, executives, employees, students (both academic and professional), and individuals. One of our pivotal tools in this mission is the Digital Comfort Index, developed in conjunction with KU Leuven, which gauges digital comfort levels, offering insights on how to best leverage technology to elevate this comfort. Successfully undergoing a digital transformation isn’t merely about hopping on the latest tech trends. It requires a strategic shift, careful planning, and an ethical approach. A commitment to executing AI projects that are ethically sound, profitable, and successful is paramount.”

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Click it, Scroll it, just don’t Ignore it.

“The profound impact of our everyday digital interactions on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is explored. From the emojis we send to the games we play, each action serves as a data point that shapes AI’s learning and its role in the business landscape. The article emphasizes that understanding these interactions is not just a matter of privacy, but a crucial factor in leveraging AI for business innovation and competitiveness.”

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